Vector Control

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Doña Ana County Vector Control educational outreach goal to empower our citizens with knowledge and resources to protect you and your family’s health. We ask for your cooperation to self-treat on private property, as New Mexico Department of Agriculture requires our staff to treat only public roadways. Our agricultural based county needs the essential water flowing in our desert region. Doña Ana County Vector appreciates the serious work our farmers do to keep drains, ditches, and culverts free of weeds and trash allowing water to ground soak properly. Doña Ana Vector is also very pleased with the effort citizens put into clean community- prevent mosquito disease. Working as “neighbors helping neighbors”, we control mosquitoes by draining out the backyard containers. Watch for flowerpots with deep saucers, trash barrels without drainage holes, and old tires piled behind the shed. Please clean after a strong rain this is the time to haul to transfer station and take advantage of their low disposal fees.

When you do maintain water on your property to water animals or wildlife, these products control immature mosquitoes in the water.

  • Bacillus thuringiensis isrealensis (BTI) is the active ingredient in Mosquito Dunks or Bits.
  • Spinosad active ingredient in new Green mosquito products can be sourced from online venders.
  • Methoprene labeled for mosquito control from major hardware stores, or on line venders.

When you do experience biting mosquitoes and midges at your property the best remedy can be insecticides applied to grass, shrubs, and shaded areas under decks and along foundations. Hand help pump sprayers are all you need to apply mosquito treatment. Please always read and follow label instructions before using any pesticide.

Indoor/ Outdoor Insect concentrate 7.9 Bifenthrin labeled from compare and save available at large home and hardware stores. Home Defense is a dilute ready to use 7.9 Bifenthrin product. Always read product label prior to use.

Deep-water rain ponds and back yard fountains are easy to stock with minnows to prevent mosquito wigglers. Doña Ana County provides free minnows to citizens at 4605 West Picacho Avenue. Vector staff are onsite Tuesday morning 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. June through August providing minnows in travel bags. Please bring your bucket to prevent leaks in transport. Please Contact Vector at 575-526-8150 to report standing water and mosquito activity.


Facilities / Services Dona Ana County Vector Control Treatment Advice for Private Property


Desert mosquitoes are strongly attracted to grass and weeds, they provide cooling shade and moisture. Keep the grass and shrubs well-trimmed close to the house so adult mosquitoes will not rest there. To reduce biting mosquitoes and gnats, insecticides can be applied to shade areas of the yard. Treatment chemicals will stay on grass and walls and continue to kill resting mosquitoes. Always read and follow label directions before using any pesticide. Vector Control recommends two insecticides; our first product is 7.9 Bifenthrin. This is available in several purchase products and will always appear in computer searches. Our second recommended product is Scion insecticide; this choice is durable and designed to be long-lasting in strong sunlight. Please take some time to review the label and practice pesticide safety.

When controlling mosquitoes around your home, the first step is eliminating all standing water. This is the proven most effective way to do so. Water that cannot be drained or is available for livestock care can be treated using a biological larvicide such as “Mosquito Bits.” This product is easy to search for on the computer and is available at hardware and farm supply shops.

Mosquitoes attract to door lights and moisture and target our scents. Be proactive when you step out in the early mornings or evenings please consider using an effective repellent to reduce the mosquitoes landing to bite!

Thankfully, essential water flows through our desert community. Large-area irrigation reaches a peak with scheduled water releases. Residential neighbors appreciate our area farmers’ effort to manage the water as a ground soak. Our farmers do serious work to keep ditches, swales, and culverts free of weeds and trash so water can move to outlets. Let your neighbor farmer know if there is a long-standing water problem in their orchard. Farmers can use biological larvicides designed to prevent baby mosquitoes from hatching.

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